Small Batch Deviled Eggs

Small Batch Deviled Eggs

Small Batch Deviled Eggs, a beloved classic finger food that’s always a crowd-pleaser. With its smooth, creamy texture and rich, spicy undertones, who could resist such a delectable bite? It’s the perfect go-to for parties, potlucks, picnics, and even that fancy little brunch with the ladies. Odds are, when you whip up a batch of these little beauties, there won’t be a scrap left to see the next sunrise.

We love ’em because they’re simple but oh-so satisfying. Combining boiled eggs, mayo, mustard, and a little kick of spice, you’re crafting a little flavour bomb in every mouthful. You’re going to fall head over heels for the lush richness of the yolk filling that contrasts so beautifully with the firm, tender egg white.

But enough teasing. Let’s get cracking!

  • Prep time: 15 mins
  • Cook time: 15 mins
  • Total time: 30 mins
  • Servings: 4
  • Yield: 8 deviled eggs

Read on to learn just how easy it is to make these heavenly deviled eggs!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 4 large eggs
  • 2 tablespoons mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar
  • 1 teaspoon yellow mustard
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • Paprika for garnish

Equipment: saucepan, cutting board, knife, mixing bowl, spoon, piping bag (optional)

The eggs are the most crucial part of the recipe, providing a canvas for the delicious filling. Your mayonnaise brings in the richness and smooth texture, while the mustard and vinegar add the kick and tang respectively to balance things out. The spices are for that final, powerful punch. If you’re not a fan of mustard, try Dijon!

How To Make Small Batch Deviled Eggs

  1. Start by placing the eggs in a saucepan and cover them with water. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for about 9 minutes.
  2. After cooking, place the eggs in cold water to cool and help ease the peel off. This might take about 10 minutes.
  3. Once cooled, peel the eggs and slice them in half. Scoop out the yolks and place them in a separate bowl.
  4. Add the mayo, vinegar, mustard, and salt to the yolks. Mix well until creamy and lump-free.
  5. Either spoon your yummy yolk mixture into the egg whites or pipe them in for a fancy feel! Sprinkle with paprika and black pepper to embellish.

Tips For The Best Results

  • Use room temperature eggs for easy peeling.
  • Don’t skimp on the cooling. Patience is a virtue!
  • Want more kick? Add a dash of hot sauce to the filling.

Storage Tips

  • Avoid storing in open air, choose an airtight container instead.
  • Try not to stack your eggs, the top layer may ruin the aesthetics.
  • Keep refrigerated and consume within 2 days for best quality.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I make these ahead of time?
A: Absolutely! You can make the filling ahead and refrigerate, then assemble before serving.

Q: Is there a plant-based alternative for mayonnaise?
A: Yes, you can replace mayonnaise with Vegan mayo or Avocado for a plant-based alternative.

Q: Can I use a different type of vinegar?
A: Yes, apple cider vinegar or white wine vinegar will also work.

Q: Can I add other ingredients to the filling?
A: Feel free to experiment! Ingredients like chopped pickles, bacon or cayenne pepper are good choices.

Q: Any serving suggestions?
A: They are great served with toast points, or on a charcuterie board with other finger foods.

Nutritional Facts of Small Batch Deviled Eggs

Each serving has approximately 160 calories, 12g of fat, 1.5g of carbs, and 7g of protein.

As you can see, Small Batch Deviled Eggs is not only a fun and delicious recipe but also a bite-sized vehicle of loads of nutritional goodness. A feast of flavors and simplicity, this is one recipe under your sleeve that will leave your guests swearing you’re the host or hostess with the most or mostest! Enjoy!


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