Velvety Champurrado (Mexican Drinking Chocolate) Recipe

Velvety Champurrado (Mexican Drinking Chocolate) Recipe

Baby, it’s cold outside, and what better way to warm up than with a Velvety Champurrado (Mexican Drinking Chocolate)? Champurrado is the perfect blend of deep, rich chocolate and silky smooth cornmeal, creating a delicious texture and unforgettable taste. The champurrado tradition lurks in Mexico and it complements well during the winter holidays, or even while cozied up in front of the fireplace. Your taste buds will be doing a salsa dance with every sip! You’ll love this treat because it can take down hot chocolate in a snap with its creamy, velvety appeal.

Promise you, once you���ve tasted this treat, you���ll be craving for more. Make it for Christmas Day breakfast or during a get-together and your guests will be impressed. And the best part is its preparation time: it���s quick, it���s easy, and it���s dang delicious. The champ is here, baby!

Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 20 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4 to 6 servings
Yield: 4 to 6 cups

Let’s heat things up, shall we? With a mug of Velvety Champurrado by your side, every moment becomes an unforgettable experience. Hang on tight as we embark on this journey to Mexican deliciousness…

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 4 cups of water
  • 2 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 tablets of Mexican chocolate (such as Abuelita)
  • 1 cup of masa harina (corn flour)
  • 1/2 cup of packed brown sugar


A large saucepan

The Mexican chocolate adds the rich chocolaty dimension while cinnamon sticks give a lovely spicy kick. The MVP, masa harina, is what gives the champurrado its nice, thick consistency. Beware of artificial stuff, natural is the way to go!

How To Make Velvety Champurrado

  1. Firstly, pour water into your saucepan and heat it up over medium heat. Add cinnamon sticks and Mexican chocolate tablets to the water and let them simmer until the chocolate is fully melted. Stir well to integrate the flavors.
  2. In a separate bowl, whisk the masa harina in some water until it becomes smooth. Now, pour the masa harina blend into the chocolate mixture. It���s going to thicken, so be ready to whisk like crazy to avoid lumps!
  3. Finally, stir in that delicious packed brown sugar to add sweetness. Keep stirring and let your mix simmer until it gets a thick, velvety consistency. Voila! Your champurrado is ready to serve hot and enjoy!

Tips For The Best Results

  • To avoid lumps, ensure whisking the masa harina before adding it to the mix.
  • For an intensified flavor, let your cinnamon and chocolate boil and simmer properly before adding other ingredients.

Storage Tips

  • Champurrado can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. Heat it up before serving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I freeze champurrado?

A: No, it’s not recommended.

Q: Can I substitute masa harina with regular flour?

A: You might not get the same thick consistency and flavor, but you can still give it a whirl.

Q: How do I get rid of lumps?

A: Make sure to whisk the masa harina well with water before adding it to the mix.

Q: I don���t have Mexican chocolate, can I use regular chocolate?

A: Mexican chocolate gives champurrado its unique flavor. If you can’t find it, you could use dark chocolate with some cinnamon.

Q: Can I make it ahead of time?

A: Sure thing! Just remember to store it in the fridge and heat it up before serving.

Nutritional Facts of Velvety Champurrado

Per serving: 180 calories, 4.5g fat (2g saturated), 29g carbs, 1.6g fiber, 4g protein, 7mg sodium, 7g sugars

In conclusion, the Velvety Champurrado is an indulgent, chocolatey delight that’s perfect for any occasion. The balance of rich chocolate and warm spices makes for an irresistible concoction. Serve it up hot, maybe with some churros on the side, and watch as everyone’s faces light up. So why wait, give this mouth-watering recipe a try and get that flavor fiesta started!


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