Coq Au Vin

Coq Au Vin

Ever had a sumptuous bowl of Coq Au Vin? No? Well, darling, you’re about to get your culinary world rocked. Coq Au Vin is a traditional French dish that’s perfect for those ooh-la-la dinner parties or on those cozy Sunday nights when you want to treat your family to a special feast. Picture this: Tender chicken, slowly cooked in a rich red wine sauce with fantastic mushrooms, onions, and possibly some lardons. If that doesn’t make your taste buds dance a little jig, I don’t know what will. It’s a dish oozing with hearty, home-cooked goodness with a classy French twist. Absolutely delish!

This recipe I’m sharing is a star at my dinner parties. My guests can’t get enough of it. It’s rich, it’s filling and it’s got that killer flavor. And hey, you’ll love working on it. Prep it, cook it, and let that wonderful aroma fill your kitchen. I promise, you’ll be proud of yourself when you see that delighted look on your foodies’ faces.

  • Preparation time: 30 minutes
  • Cook time: 2 hours
  • Total time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Servings: 6
  • Yield: 6 servings

Alrighty then, enough talk. Aprons on, cooking mode activated. Let’s get into cutting, chopping, and eventually, the devouring. Don your chef’s hat and let’s start cooking.

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 1 whole rooster or chicken (cut into pieces), about 1.5 kg
  • 150 g of bacon
  • 20 pearl onions
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 2 carrots
  • 500 g of mushrooms
  • 750 ml of red wine
  • 3 tbsps of brandy
  • 2 tbsps of flour
  • 3 sprigs of thyme
  • 2 bay leaves
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Chopped parsley for garnish

You will need a heavy-bottomed casserole dish or dutch oven.

The star of the dish, obviously, is the chicken. Now, the secret to the richness is the red wine that you are going to use. Make sure you’re using a high-quality one, as this will heavily influence the outcome. The brandy adds an extra layer of complexity. The herbs give the lovely depth of flavor that’s characteristic of this dish. If you can’t find any of the listed ingredients, seek for equally high-quality alternatives.

How To Make Coq Au Vin

  1. First off, season your chicken pieces with salt and pepper. Heat some oil in your pot and sear the chicken until it’s nice and brown, all lovely and crispy. Remove and set aside for a tad.
  2. In the same pot, toss in your bacon and let it cook till it’s crisp. Pull it out and put it with the chicken.
  3. Still in the pot, cook your onions, garlic, carrots and mushrooms until they’re soft and fragrant. Now, make some space, toss in your flour and let it cook. This will help thicken the sauce later. Gradually pour in your wine and brandy, while stirring continuously to incorporate all the flour.
  4. Time to reunite the chicken and bacon with the pot family. Add in the herbs, pop a lid on it and let it simmer for about 2 hours. Yeah, that’s going to be some slow cooking, but trust me, the wait is oh-so-worth it!
  5. Finally, taste the sauce and adjust seasoning if necessary. Garnish with parsley before serving.

Tips For The Best Results

  • Use a high-quality wine: the better the wine, the better the sauce.
  • Be patient: slow cooking is key for the flavors to fully develop.

Storage Tips

  • Store leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.
  • Coq Au Vin can also be frozen for up to 3 months.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I substitute the chicken for other meats?
A: Sure, you can! However, the dish would no longer be traditional Coq Au Vin, as “Coq” refers specifically to rooster.

Q: Which type of wine should I use?
A: Traditionally a French burgundy is used, however any full-bodied red will work.

Q: Can I make it without alcohol?
A: Yes, you can replace the wine with grape or cranberry juice and the brandy with apple juice.

Q: Can I make it a day in advance?
A: Absolutely! It tastes even better the next day.

Q: How to serve Coq Au Vin?
A: It’s traditionally served with mashed potatoes or buttered noodles.

Nutritional Facts of Coq Au Vin

Each serving of Coq Au Vin roughly contains 570 calories, 28g of fat, 20g of carbohydrates, and 52g of protein.

There you have it, folks. A delectable culinary journey to France without leaving your kitchen! I’m positive you and your family, friends, or whoever gets to share this with you will be absolutely mesmerized by this traditional French cuisine. Pair it with some mashed potatoes or buttered noodles, and voila! Bon App��tit!


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