Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta

Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta

Hey there! Have I got something outrageously delicious for you! Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta – a madly appetizing dish that will make your taste buds beg for mercy! This triumphant gem of a recipe, if you haven’t had it yet, is a creamy, cheesy, tomato-based pasta dish with delicious pieces of chicken cooked to perfection. Whether it’s an elegant date night, comfort food evening, or a simple family dinner, Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta is a knockout. It’s that hearty, comforting, and filling dish that does everything right and leaves no room for regrets. We all know pasta is a crowd-pleaser, but wait till you serve it with this sauce – you will conquer the culinary world!

This Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta meal is rich, creamy, and bursting with flavors thanks to its cherry tomatoes, aromatic garlic, and fresh basil. And the best thing? It’s super easy to make! Whether you’re an experienced cook or just a kitchen newbie, you’ll easily win over the hearts (and bellies) of your family and friends with this quick and exquisite concoction.

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 45 minutes
  • Servings: 4 servings
  • Yield: 4 plates of creamy deliciousness

Enough with the introduction, let’s kick things up a notch by digging deep into how to make this creamy, heavenly dish!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 3 Boneless Chicken Breasts
  • 4 Cups of Penne Pasta
  • 2 Cups of Cherry Tomatoes
  • A bunch of Fresh Basil Leaves
  • 5 Cloves of Garlic
  • 1 can of Cream
  • 2 cups of Grated Parmesan Cheese
  • Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil

You will need a large pot for cooking the pasta, a frying pan for the chicken, and a saucepan for our thick, luscious sauce.

The boneless chicken breasts add a substantial protein boost to our dish, and the creamy, tangy blend with parmesan cheese gives it an indulgent touch. Use fresh basil for that authentic Italian aroma and freshness. If you don’t have fresh basil, dried basil works fine. And of course, cherry tomatoes are the stars of the show, offering a sweet tanginess that balances out the creaminess of the dish.

How To Make Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta

  1. First, start by cooking the pasta in a large pot of salted water until al dente.
  2. While waiting, heat olive oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Add the chicken breasts and season with salt and pepper. Cook until golden and no longer pink in the middle.
  3. In a separate pan, saut�� the garlic until fragrant. Add the cherry tomatoes and cook until they start to soften.
  4. Add in the cream and bring it to simmer. Stir in the Parmesan cheese until the sauce thickens.
  5. Once sauce and pasta are ready, combine them together along with the cooked chicken. Mix well and let it simmer for a few minutes to let the flavors blend.

Tips For The Best Results

  • Always cook pasta in a large pot of boiling water, and remember to add a generous amount of salt.
  • Use fresh basil for the most authentic taste.
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Storage Tips

  • Cover the leftover pasta in an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator.
  • When reheating, add a splash of milk to bring back the creaminess.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use a different type of pasta?

A: Absolutely! Use any kind you like or have on hand.

Q: Can I use skimmed milk instead of cream?

A: Yes, but note that the sauce may not be as creamy and thick. You could also use a blend of milk and some cream cheese as a substitute.

Q: Can I use other meats instead of chicken?

A: Yep! Try using shrimp or sausage for a different flavor twist.

Q: Can this be made vegetarian?

A: Yes, just leave the chicken out and add more veggies like spinach or bell peppers.

Q: Can I freeze the leftovers?

A: It’s generally not recommended as the pasta tends to become mushy upon defrosting. But the sauce alone can be frozen.

Nutritional Facts of Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta

This dish is pretty balanced when it comes to nutrition. It contains a good amount of protein from the chicken, carbohydrates from the pasta, and close to 400 calories per serving. The cream and cheese contribute to the fat content which gives you the satiety factor. Not to forget, tomatoes are a great source of antioxidants!

This is a recipe that will never fail you. It checks all the boxes – it’s comforting, it’s flavorful, and it’s downright irresistible. So don that apron and get ready to whip up some magic in your kitchen with this Creamy Tomato Chicken Pasta recipe. Serve hot, garnished with some fresh basil and extra parmesan. You’ve got this, chef! Dig in and enjoy!


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