Instant Pot Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup

Instant Pot Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup

The Instant Pot Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup is honestly a bowl full of comfort and goodness. This soothing soup brings together the bright flavor of lemon, tender bites of chicken, and delicate orzo pasta, all swimming in a mouthwatering savory broth. Whether you’re nursing a cold, frigid winter day or just craving something light but fulfilling, this scrumptious soup fits the bill.

You’ll find yourself falling head over heels in love with this recipe. It’s a combination of simple and classic flavors that somehow taste even better when they meld together in your Instant Pot. Plus, with that tangy hint of lemon, every spoonful is sure to make you go “Yum!”

- Prep Time: 15 Minutes
- Cook Time: 30 Minutes
- Total Time: 45 Minutes
- Servings: 4 
- Yield: 4 Bowls

Ready to slurp up some delight? Let’s dive into the recipe!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

- 2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
- 1 cup orzo pasta
- 1 large lemon, juiced
- 1 small onion, diced
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste

Equipment: A 6qt Instant Pot

The star of the dish is the lemon. Its fresh and tangy flavor helps lighten up the hearty soup while amplifying the flavor of the chicken and the orzo. It���s a perfect harmony of flavors!

Don’t fret if you’re missing an ingredient! You can swap out the orzo with any pasta of your choice and if you’re out of fresh lemon, lemon zest or even bottled lemon juice can come to the rescue!

How To Make Instant Pot Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup

  1. Start by saut��ing the onion and the garlic with olive oil in the instant pot until golden brown.
  2. Add the chicken breast, salt, and pepper to the pot. Once the chicken is browned, add the chicken broth.
  3. Close the lid and set the instant pot to pressure cook mode for about 15 minutes.
  4. Use a quick release to vent steam, then carefully open the pot.
  5. Shred the chicken using forks and put it back in the soup. Add the uncooked orzo and fresh lemon juice into the pot. Set the instant pot to saut�� mode and let it cook for about 8-10 minutes or until the orzo is cooked.
  6. Serve hot and enjoy your delicious homemade Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup in your Instant Pot!

Tips For The Best Results

  • Make sure to saut�� the onions and garlic until they are golden brown. This enhances the overall flavor of the soup.
  • For a more intense lemon flavor, add some lemon zest along with the lemon juice.

Storage Tips

  • This soup can be refrigerated in an airtight container for up to 4 days. Make sure to reheat it thoroughly before consuming.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use chicken thighs instead of chicken breasts?
A: Absolutely! Just be sure to adjust cooking time as needed.

Q: I don’t have an Instant Pot. Can I make this on the stove?
A: Definitely! The steps remain pretty much the same, it just takes a little longer to cook everything.

Q: Can I freeze this soup?
A: Yes, it freezes well. But, keep in mind pasta can become a bit soft when re-heating a frozen soup.

Q: Can I add vegetables to this soup?
A: Of course! Vegetables like carrots, peas, and bell peppers will work great in this soup.

Q: Can I substitute chicken broth with vegetable broth?
A: Yes, it’ll still taste fabulous.

Nutritional Facts of Instant Pot Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup

Each serving of this hearty soup delivers:

- Calories: 285
- Protein: 21.5g
- Carbohydrates: 20g 
- Fat: 10g

So, there you have it – a scrumptious recipe for Instant Pot Lemon Chicken Orzo Soup. It’s a hearty, warm classic with a bright twist that will truly tantalize your taste buds. Pair it with some crusty bread to mop up every last delicious drop and sit back to enjoy a comforting meal that’s packed with flavor. Happy Cooking!


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