Soft Pull-Apart Milk Bread Recipe

Soft Pull-Apart Milk Bread Recipe

Introducing our homey Soft Pull-Apart Milk Bread that���s sure to put a smile on your face. This bread is as fluffy as a cloud with a slightly sweet milk taste that’s irresistible. Be it breakfast, tea time, or any time you need that comforting homemade treat, this recipe is a must-have. Everyone’s surely going to thank you for making this delightful recipe. It’s high time you sink your teeth into this heavenly goodness and let the clouds of deliciousness hit you.

This must-try recipe is very practical, beginner-friendly and filled with love from the first bite to the last. Prep time is approximately 2 hours, including dough-resting intervals, while actual baking time will take about 30-35 minutes. This recipe yields 1 large loaf or can cater to 8 servings and promises loads of joy.

Get ready to enjoy one of the softest and fluffiest breads that you���ve ever seen or tasted. Let’s get you set up!

  • Prep Time: 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30-35 minutes
  • Total Time: ~3 hours
  • Servings: 8
  • Yield: 1 loaf

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 500g Bread Flour
  • 60g Sugar
  • 10g Salt
  • 10g Instant Yeast
  • 30g Unsalted Butter
  • 300ml Milk
  • 1 Egg (for egg wash)

You will need a large mixing bowl, a dough hook attachment for your mixer, a loaf pan, and a pastry brush for the egg wash.

By using bread flour in our recipe, we ensure that our bread gets a high-rise and a chewier texture characteristics of a good loaf. While the yeast helps our dough rise and achieve that fluffy texture we love. The milk gives it the subtly sweet, rich flavour that really sets this bread apart.

How To Make Soft Pull-Apart Milk Bread

  1. In a bowl, combine bread flour, sugar, salt, and instant yeast. Stir until mix thoroughly.
  2. Warm the milk and butter together until the butter has melted and pour into the dry ingredients. Using your mixer’s dough hook, mix until a dough forms.
  3. Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic. This should take about 10 minutes with the mixer, or a bit more by hand.
  4. Place the kneaded dough in a lightly greased bowl, cover, and let it rest until it doubles in size. This could take about an hour.
  5. Punch down the dough to remove the air, shape it into a loaf and place in the prepared loaf pan. Let it rest for about 30 minutes for a second rise.
  6. Preheat oven to 180�� C.
  7. Brush the top of the dough with the egg wash and bake in the preheated oven for about 30 minutes, or until the top is golden brown and it sounds hollow when tapped.

Tips For The Best Results

  • Knead the dough well ��� this is essential for a high-rise and light texture.
  • Don’t skip the egg wash ��� it gives the bread a lovely golden colour and shine.
  • Ensure you place the bread in the middle shelf of your oven to ensure even baking.

Storage Tips

  • This bread will keep fresh for 2-3 days at room temperature, wrapped in a clean cloth or stored in a bread box.
  • You can also freeze slices of it and toast as required.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use all-purpose flour instead of bread flour?
A: Yes, but the texture may not be as high and chewy as with bread flour.

Q: Can I use non-dairy milk in this recipe?
A: Yes, almond or soy milk can be used in place of dairy milk.

Q: What can I serve with this bread?
A: It’s perfect with some butter and jam, or used to make sandwiches.

Q: Can I freeze the dough?
A: Yes, you can freeze it after the first rise. Defrost and let it rise a second time before baking.

Q: Can I use this recipe for rolls?
A: Absolutely, just divide the dough into roll-sized pieces and adjust your baking time accordingly.

Nutritional Facts of Soft Pull-Apart Milk Bread

Based on an 8-serving size, each serving contains approximately: Carbohydrates 46g, Protein 7g, Fat 4g, Cholesterol 10mg.

Wrapping up, this Soft Pull-Apart Milk Bread is a simple pleasure that will surely transport you to gastronomic heaven. It’s best enjoyed fresh, but due to its inherent versatility, your options are endless! It could be as simple as a spread of butter and a smattering of fruit jam or stepping up your sandwich game. You definitely won’t regret giving this recipe a go. Happy baking!


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