Tri-Tip Steak Tacos Recipe

Tri-Tip Steak Tacos Recipe

For all you meat lovers out there, I introduce to you the delectable delight of the Tri-Tip Steak Tacos Recipe. This beauty graces my house on those special dinner occasions when I whip it out to impress the dinner guests, and it never fails me. Best thing is, you don’t have to wait for an occasion to feast on this. Any ol’ Tuesday night will do just fine, and trust me, these mouthwatering goodies will take your taste buds on a wild ride!

If you think that’s good, just wait until you actually taste it. Savory tri-tip steak cooked to perfection, wrapped in a soft taco shell. The melody of salsa, sour cream and cilantro just accentuates its taste and makes it even more divine. It’s a little party in your mouth with each bite, no joke. Preparing the dish is as much fun as eating it (well, almost.)

  • Prep Time: 30 minutes
  • Cook Time: 45 minutes
  • Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
  • Servings: 6
  • Yield: 12 delicious tacos

Now that I’ve got you all drooling, let’s dive in and get our hands dirty, shall we?

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 2 pounds of tri-tip steak
  • 12 soft taco shells
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • Half cup of salsa
  • Sour cream and cilantro for garnishing
  • Salt and pepper to taste

You will also need a good heavy-duty grill and a frying pan for this recipe.

The tri-tip steak is the star of the show here. It’s a lean and flavorful cut that will provide the bulk of the flavor for the dish. You can substitute the steak with chicken or pork if you prefer.

How To Make Tri-Tip Steak Tacos Recipe

  1. First off, season the steak with salt and pepper generously. Then heat up a grill to medium-high heat. When the grill is ready, place your steak on it and cook each side for about 7-8 minutes or till it���s cooked to your liking.
  2. In the meantime, heat your frying pan over medium heat. Add in a drizzle of olive oil and toast your taco shells for about 30 seconds each side, then set them aside.
  3. Once your steak is cooked, let it rest for a few minutes, then slice it thinly.
  4. Assemble your tacos by placing a few slices of steak on each shell. Top it off with salsa, a dollop of sour cream and cilantro for garnish. Enjoy your hearty meal!

Tips For The Best Results

  • Let the steak rest before cutting into it. This helps to keep the juices in and makes it more flavorful.
  • You can also use homemade salsa for a fresher taste.

Storage Tips

  • Store leftovers in the fridge. They will last for about 2 days.
  • Reheat them in the microwave or in the oven before serving again.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use a different cut of meat for this recipe?

A: Yes, you can use any cut of beef that you prefer. Just adjust the cooking time accordingly.

Q: Can I add in some veggies in the taco?

A: Absolutely! Some nice bell peppers or avocado slices would taste great in the taco.

Q: Can I make these tacos ahead of time?

A: Ideally, the tacos are best served fresh. You can prep the steak and shell ahead, but assemble them right before serving.

Q: Is there a specific kind of salsa best for this recipe?

A: I personally prefer a chunky salsa for this one, but feel free to experiment with your favorite brand.

Q: Can I make this recipe gluten-free?

A: Yes, just replace the regular taco shell with a gluten-free one.

Nutritional Facts of Tri-Tip Steak Tacos Recipe

Each serving provides approximately 203 calories, 8 grams of fat, 8 grams of protein, and 20 grams of carbohydrates.

The verdict is in: the Tri-Tip Steak Tacos are a hit! They’re not just attractive on the plate, but also pack a punch of flavor that’ll make you crave for more. Serve it up with some sides of your choice or maybe a margarita, and watch your dinner become a fiesta!


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