Cheesecake-style ice cream with thyme, honey and pine nuts: gourmet recipe

Cheesecake-Style Ice Cream with Thyme, Honey and Pine Nuts: Gourmet Recipe


  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 cup cream cheese
  • 4 egg yolks
  • 1 cup honey
  • 2 tablespoons fresh thyme leaves
  • ½ cup pine nuts
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract


  1. In a medium saucepan, heat cream and milk over medium heat, stirring occasionally until mixture starts to steam. Remove from heat and set aside.
  2. In a mixing bowl, whisk together egg yolks and honey until light and airy.
  3. Slowly pour the hot cream mixture over the egg yolk mixture, whisking constantly to prevent the eggs from curdling.
  4. Return mixture to medium saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon until the mixture thickens and coats the back of the spoon, about 5-7 minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in cream cheese until fully combined.
  6. Add thyme and vanilla extract and stir until fully incorporated.
  7. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until completely chilled.
  8. Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C). Spread pine nuts on a baking sheet and toast for 5-7 minutes or until golden brown. Set aside to cool.
  9. Pour the chilled ice cream mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions.
  10. Once the ice cream is churned and thickened, transfer to a freezer-safe container and fold in the toasted pine nuts.
  11. Freeze for at least 4 hours or until firm.


This cheesecake-style ice cream is a decadent and luxurious treat. The combination of honey, thyme, and cream cheese balances nicely with the crunch of the pine nuts. The ice cream is incredibly creamy and the perfect way to cool down on a hot day.

Serving Suggestions:

Serve this gourmet ice cream with a drizzle of honey and a sprinkle of thyme leaves. It also pairs well with fresh berries for a contrasting pop of color and flavor.


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