Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists

Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists


Oooh, y’all! Get ready for some seriously tasty treats! Our Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists are going to blow you away. Soft, fluffy twists of dough, perfectly fried and then rolled in a heavenly mix of cinnamon and sugar. Is your mouth watering yet? These sugar-licious bites are up for any party! Be it birthdays, Sunday mornings, or any time your sweet tooth craves a hit, these twists are a sure shot.

They’re a cinch to make and hit all the right notes of sweet, spicy, and utterly leavened perfection. Trust me, once you’ve indulged yourself in a Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twist, you’ll be whipping up another batch pretty darn quick!

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Servings: 12 twists
  • Yield: 12 Delicious Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists

So, are you ready to wow your taste buds and sweeten up your day? Let’s get sizzling, folks!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of ground cinnamon
  • Canola oil, for deep-frying
  • 1 can (12 ounces) refrigerated biscuits

You’ll need a deep fryer or a large, deep saucepan for frying, a rolling pin for shaping the dough, and a wire rack for cooling your yummy twists.

The combination of sugar and cinnamon gives these donut twists their signature sweet-spicy kick, while the canola oil ensures a perfect golden brown fry. Using refrigerated biscuits dough saves time, but of course, if you’re feeling adventurous, you could make your dough from scratch!

How To Make Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists

  1. First, mix the sugar and cinnamon together in a bowl, set aside for rolling your donut twists in later.
  2. Separate the biscuits, roll them into ropes and then twist them. You can also get creative with the shapes if you like.
  3. Heat your oil until it reaches about 360��F. If you don’t have a thermometer, you can test it with a small piece of dough. If it bubbles and rises to the top, you’re good to go!
  4. Deep-fry the twists until they are golden brown. Make sure to flip them occasionally for an even cook. This should take about 2 minutes each side.
  5. Once cooked, remove the twists with a slotted spoon to drain any excess oil, then roll ’em up in the sugar-cinnamon mixture while they’re still hot. Enjoy warm for ultimate deliciousness!

Tips For The Best Results

  • Keep the oil temperature constant for even cooking.
  • Roll in sugar while still hot so it sticks better.
  • Enjoy them fresh and warm.

Storage Tips

  • Store in an airtight container.
  • If you plan on storing them, avoid rolling them in sugar as it can make them soggy.
  • Reheat in the oven before serving.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I make these Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists without a deep fryer?
A: Absolutely! You can simply use a large, deep saucepan.

Q: Can I make these ahead of time?
A: Yes, you can make the dough and even form the twists a day before. Just refrigerate them and fry before serving.

Q: Can I use another type of sugar?
A: Yes, granulated sugar works best but you could also use light brown sugar for a deeper flavor.

Q: Is there a vegan alternative to these donut twists?
A: You can replace the biscuit dough with a vegan-friendly baking dough of your choice.

Q: Do they taste as good cold?
A: They are best served warm, but they will still be tasty once cooled.

Nutritional Facts of Cinnamon Sugar Donuts Twists

These sweet treats come packed with around 250 calories, 3g of fat and a whopping 30g of carbohydrates per serving.

So there you have it, guys. Cinnamon Sugar Donut Twists���sweet, cinnamony, and oh-so divine! Serve ’em up with a hot cup of coffee for a breakfast treat or bring them out for dessert after dinner. No matter when you eat these delicious twists, you’re going to love them. Happy cooking, y’all!


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