Easy Churro Pancakes Made From Scratch In 10 Minutes

Easy Churro Pancakes Made From Scratch In 10 Minutes

Yeah, baby! I’m gonna let you in on the magic behind one of my most cherished breakfast concoctions, the Easy Churro Pancakes Made From Scratch In 10 Minutes. These pancakes, crispy on the edges, soft and fluffy on the inside, boast an unforgettable blend of cinnamon and sugar. These bad boys are not just your regular breakfast food, Nope! Wanna surprise your loved one with breakfast in bed on an anniversary? Want the VIP snack for your comfort food party? Or just looking to spoil yourself on a lazy Sunday morning? Boom, the Easy Churro Pancakes got you covered!

This divine plate of fluff takes all the familiar, lovable features of the Spanish-inspired churro and packs it all into an easy-to-make pancake. The melt-in-your-mouth experience combined with its breathtaking simplicity will make anyone fall head over heels for it.

Now let’s talk timing, peeps!

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 5 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Servings: 4-5
  • Yield: 10 pancakes

Alright, let’s roll! Grab your apron, flip on that favorite playlist of yours and let’s get cooking!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

First thing’s first, let’s go through our checklist:

  • 2 cups of pancake mix
  • 1 cup of water
  • 3 tablespoons of sugar
  • 2 teaspoons of cinnamon
  • A frying pan and a Stove (duh!)

Now before we dive in, let’s get real. The cinnamon and sugar combo is the secret source of that authentic churro flavor and oh boy, it makes all the difference. But hey, if you don’t like cinnamon, feel free to switch it up with nutmeg or even pumpkin spice. There’s no right and wrong here. This is YOUR Kitchen!

How To Make Easy Churro Pancakes From Scratch In 10 Minutes

Alright, let’s get down to business.

1. First, you want to grab a big bowl and mix your pancake mix, water, sugar and cinnamon together. You’re looking for a smooth, well-incorporated batter; no lumps, please.
2. Warm up your pan over medium heat and pour in �� cup of that beautiful batter you just made.
3. Let it cook, give it about 2 minutes or until you see bubbles starting to burst on top, then flip it over and cook for another 2 minutes.
4. Repeat until you’re out of batter and voila, you just made yourself some churro pancakes!

Tips For The Best Results

– Keep an eye on your heat, too high and your pancakes may burn.
– Don���t overmix your batter; a few lumps never hurt anybody and it’ll make your pancakes fluffier.

Storage Tips

– Store in an airtight container in the fridge for no more than 2 days.
– You can freeze them as well and reheat using a toaster oven.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use any pancake mix?
A: Yes, any pancake mix would work for this recipe.

Q: Can I switch out the sugar for a sugar substitute?
A: Yes, you can switch it out, but the taste may change slightly.

Q: Can I make these vegan?
A: Yes, use vegan friendly pancake mix, vegan butter and a vegan egg substitute.

Q: How many pancakes does this recipe make?
A: About 10 4-inch pancakes.

Q: Can I freeze these pancakes?
A: Yes, once cool, you can freeze these for 2 months.

Nutritional Facts Of Easy Churro Pancakes Made From Scratch In 10 Minutes

Calories: 350
Fat: 5g
Carbs: 70g
Protein: 8g

The Easy Churro Pancakes, is a full-blown flavor affair that you wouldn’t want to stop at one, I guarantee! Try this out, pair it with a cup of your favorite hot beverage, maybe drizzle some syrup or sprinkle some powdered sugar- just let it loose! There’s room for everyone to bring out their best in ChefSane’s kitchen. Happy cooking!


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