Mini-couscous for the aperitif with black olives and pine nuts

Mini-couscous for the aperitif with black olives and pine nuts

Mini-Couscous with Black Olives and Pine Nuts Recipe


  • 250g couscous
  • 300ml boiling water
  • 100g black olives
  • 50g pine nuts
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper


  1. Place the couscous in a large bowl and pour the boiling water over it.
  2. Stir in the salt, cover the bowl with a plate or cling film and set it aside for 10 minutes, until the water is completely absorbed.
  3. After 10 minutes, fluff up the couscous with a fork to loosen any clumps.
  4. Add the olives, pine nuts, olive oil, lemon juice and pepper to the couscous and mix throughly until well combined.
  5. Place the mini-couscous in a serving dish and garnish with fresh herbs, if you desire.
  6. Serve immediately and enjoy!


This mini-couscous dish is perfect for the aperitif, with savory black olives and crunchy pine nuts. The couscous is flavored with a tangy olive oil and lemon dressing, adding a refreshing burst of zest to the dish. It is quick and easy to prepare, making it ideal for busy weeknights and impromptu gatherings with friends and family.

Serving Suggestions:

The mini-couscous with black olives and pine nuts can be served as a standalone dish, or paired with other snacks and appetizers to create a delicious spread of finger foods. It works particularly well with grilled chicken skewers, hummus and pita bread, and fresh vegetable crudités. For a fancy touch, you can also serve it in individual cocktail glasses with a mini-fork for easy eating.


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