Oreo Mug Cake Recipe

Oreo Mug Cake Recipe

Uh-huh, y’all! Get ready for it. Today, we’re taking you on a delicious ride with our super easy and astonishingly scrumptious Oreo Mug Cake Recipe. Aww yeah, we’re talking about a heavenly combo of fluffy chocolate cake and those irresistible, crushy Oreo cookies, living together in a cozy, little mug. Ohh boy! Perfect for those late-night cravings, or when you need a quick yet sweet treat, and not to mention, the ultimate show-stopper for your kid’s slumber party. Alright, folks, no more talking. Why would you love this recipe? Simple. It’s a no-fuss, minimal hassle recipe that never fails to delight! Plus, no need for baking or fancy gadgets. All right!

Let’s get down to the nitty-gritty. For the Oreo Mug Cake, we’re looking at this rundown:

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 2 minutes
  • Total Time: 7 minutes
  • Servings: 1

Oh, and here’s the best part, you ready? This recipe is completely fuss-free and perfect for beginners. So, let’s get to it, y’all!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 4 Oreo cookies
  • 3 tablespoons of milk
  • �� teaspoon of baking powder

You’ll just need a microwave-safe mug for this recipe.

Vital ingredients here would definitely be the Oreo cookies – they provide that signature richness and the milk helps to bring it all together.

Don’t worry too much if you don’t have milk on hand – you can substitute it with water! Just know that milk gives the cake a creamier texture.

How To Make Oreo Mug Cake

  1. Crush the Oreo cookies into a fine powder within your mug.
  2. Add in your milk and baking powder. Stir this concoction until it achieves a smooth texture.
  3. Pop your mug into the microwave and cook it for 70 seconds on high. Keep a close eye to make sure your cake doesn’t overflow the mug.
  4. Allow it to cool before you dig in. Enjoy!

Tips For The Best Results

  1. Try and get the Oreos crushed as finely as possible for a smoother texture.
  2. Make sure your microwave is on high for optimal results.

Storage Tips

  1. Best to consume the cake immediately. It doesn’t store well.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use other cookies for this recipe?

A: Absolutely! Experimenting with other flavors could also deliver exciting results!

Q: What if I don’t have a microwave?

A: Unfortunately, this recipe specifically requires a microwave.

Q: Can I use water instead of milk?

A: Yes, but your cake will be less creamy and rich.

Q: Is this recipe vegan?

A: Depends on your cookies and milk source, but yes, they can be made vegan!

Q: Can I double this recipe?

A: Yes, but you’ll have to adjust the cooking time appropriately.

Nutritional Facts of Oreo Mug Cake

This delicious cake contains around 220 calories, with some sugar and a little protein. Best to enjoy on an indulgent day!

Voila! There you have it – our scrumptious and easy-to-make Oreo Mug Cake. It’s a simple yet fulfilling treat that’s perfect for all ages. Dig in, enjoy, and let that sweet craving be satisfied!


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