3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies Made With M&Ms In Only 15 Minutes

3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies Made With M&Ms In Only 15 Minutes

Oh, let me tell you about these little pieces of heaven! We’re getting into the realm of our scrumdiddlyumptious 3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies Made With M&Ms In Only 15 Minutes. They’re sweet delights that are perfect for any occasion. Be it a kiddie���s party or a late-night cravings fix, these cookies are always a hit. Trust me, once you bake them and take that first bite…you’d wonder why you haven’t baked these before! Just the sight of them melts the heart and they taste as good as they look.

Aside from being so delish, what makes these cookies truly special is how simple and quick they are to make. All it takes is fifteen minutes and three easy-to-find ingredients. You go from zero-to-hero in no time! Perfect for when you’re in a hurry or if you’re a baking newbie. You���ll be left with soft, chewy cookies studded with colourful M&Ms. I mean, who wouldn’t love that?

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Total Time: 15 minutes
  • Servings: 10 cookies

Isn���t it exciting? So, tie up that apron and let’s get to the sweet stuff right away!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 1 cup self-rising flour
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1/2 cup of M&Ms

-A baking sheet
-Wooden spoon

Self-rising flour is essential as it has already baking powder mix in it which gives the cookies their rise. Sugar of course lends the sweetness while the M&Ms give that fun crunch and burst of chocolate in every bite. If you’re feeling experimental, you can also swap M&Ms with other chocolates.

How To Make 3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies Made With M&Ms In Only 15 Minutes

  1. Firstly, preheat your oven at 375��F and prepare your baking sheet by lining it with a parchment paper.
  2. Next in a mixing bowl, combine your self-rising flour and sugar. Stir until well mixed.
  3. Then, fold in the M&Ms into the mixture. Ensure they are evenly spread out.
  4. Scoop a spoonful of the dough and place it on the baking sheet. Keep doing this till all the dough is used up.
  5. Finally, slide the tray into the oven and allow it to bake for about 10 minutes.

Tips For The Best Results

  • Make sure the M&Ms are evenly spread throughout the dough.
  • Don���t forget to line your tray with parchment paper.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I use instead of M&Ms?

A: You can use any kind of chocolate chips or nuts if you like.

Q: Can I use normal flour instead of self-rising flour?

A: Yes, you can. But don’t forget to add 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of baking powder and 1/4 teaspoon of salt to the mix.

Nutritional Facts of 3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies Made With M&Ms In Only 15 Minutes

  • Calories: 122
  • Fat: 3g
  • Sodium: 87mg
  • Carbohydrates: 22g
  • Sugar: 14g

There you have it, folks. A most delightful, easy and super quick cookie recipe. You’ll fall in love with the 3 Ingredient Sugar Cookies Made With M&Ms In Only 15 Minutes. They���re just great with a glass of chilled milk or alongside your fave cuppa joe. So, why wait? Get baking and enjoy these homemade treats!


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