Angel Berry Trifle

Angel Berry Trifle

Mouthwatering, delectably sweet, and unapologetically decadent – that’s our take on the sumptuous Angel Berry Trifle. Chock-full of luscious wild berries, light fluffy angel cake, and a custard that’s the pure definition of indulgence, this heavenly dessert is sure to be a crowd-pleaser. It’s the perfect conclusion to a sumptuous meal or that ideal centerpiece for your quiet afternoon high-tea with friends. You’re going to love the burst of berries, the sweetness of the custard, paired with the light and airy angel cake. It’s an explosion of flavors in your mouth.

Preparation Time: 20 minutes
Cooking Time: 0 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 8 servings
Yield: 1 large trifle

Don your apron and get ready to whip up this impressive Angel Berry Trifle. It’s time to take your dessert-making prowess up a notch!

Ingredients & Equipment You’ll Need

  • 1 angel food cake
  • 2 cups mixed berries (blueberries, raspberries, strawberries)
  • 2 cups heavy cream
  • 3 cups vanilla custard
  • 1 cup fruit jelly


  • Large trifle dish
  • Mixing bowl
  • Whisk

The Angel food cake adds a touch of lightness to the trifle while the custard brings in a creamy richness. The mixed berries not only add color but provide tart offsets to the sweet components of the dish. If you can’t find angel food cake, a light sponge cake will work just as well!

How To Make Angel Berry Trifle

  1. First off, get your large trifle dish ready. Crumble your angel food cake and lay a layer at the bottom of the dish.
  2. Take your fruit jelly and smoothly layer it over the angel cake. Then sprinkle a hefty amount of mixed berries evenly.
  3. The next layer is your lush, smooth custard. Make sure it covers the berries fully, then repeat the process with another layer of each component.
  4. Finally, whip your heavy cream until it forms soft peaks and layer that over the top. Add an extra sprinkle of berries for the final flourish, and you’re done!

Tips For The Best Results

  • Use fresh berries for a more intense flavor and brilliant color.
  • Refrigerate the trifle for at least 2 hours before serving to let the flavors meld.

Storage Tips

  • Store the trifle covered in the refrigerator to preserve its moisture and freshness.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What can I substitute for the angel food cake?
A: Sponge cake or pound cake make decent substitutes for angel food cake.

Q: Can I use frozen berries?
A: Yes, you can. Just make sure to thaw and drain them well before use.

Q: Can I make it a day in advance?
A: Absolutely, making it a day before allows the flavors to blend beautifully.

Q: How long does it keep in the fridge?
A: About 2-3 days, but it’s so delicious, we doubt it will last that long!

Q: Can I use other fruits?
A: Yes, you can. Just ensure they aren’t too juicy as it might make the trifle soggy.

Nutritional Facts of Angel Berry Trifle

Calories: 300
Fat: 10g
Carbs: 45g
Protein: 7g

There you have it, folks, your own heavenly Angel Berry Trifle. This lovely trifle is sure to bag you compliments and second serving requests. Serve it chilled, sit back, and watch the magic unfold. Enjoy!


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